That's weird...

Using functions in UPDATE queries from the Django ORM

· Apostolis Bessas

PostgreSQL is a great database and comes with many great and really useful features, one of which is arrays. There are various apps that add support for arrays in the Django ORM, like django-dbarray, djorm-ext-pgarray and django-pg-extensions.

However, those packages provide only fields that represent a PostgreSQL array (and maybe support for some of the operators), but not for the functions that PostgreSQL provides to manipulate arrays. Some of those functions are really useful, like adding elements to an array.

For instance, if you choose to use arrays to represent tags for an entity, how do you add new tags to a set of entities? In other words, how do you use the PosetgreSQL functions with the .update() QuerySet API?

Django ORM provides a feature to allow developers control the SQL generated in some of the queries; if the argument is an object with a .as_sql() method, django will use that to construct the SQL for the query. The as_sql method needs to return the SQL string and a list of the parameters used in the SQL — it is important to avoid embedding the parameters in the SQL query, so that they can be correctly escaped, before being executed.

As an example, the following class generates the SQL to append a value to an array.

class AppendToArray(object):

     def __init__(self, column, value):
         self.column = column
         self.value = value

     def as_sql(self):
          return "array_append(%s, %%s)" % self.column, [self.value]

If you wanted to use it in a QuerySet method, you could have something like

class MyQuerySet(models.QuerySet):

     def add_element(self, element):
         value = AppendToArray("column_name", element)
         return self.update(column=value)